Book With Tejus
8 min readJul 8, 2021

Hello, I know you are here to find 4 books like The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari. I know people like the book Monk who Sold His Ferrari too much. This book is amazing and today we are going to talk about some books which are just like this book. So say with me at the end.

In this blog post, we are going to talk about 4 books are that also have some great learning and if you like the book the monk who sold his Ferrari you are definitely going to like these books too. Let me name them, Think like a monk, Happy money, Kaizen, and Men searching for meaning. Let drive-in


This book is really a deeper one. This book explains the meaning of life to every single person on this earth. People always try to find the meaning of life on the beach or in a resort but the Author tries to find meaning in life in the concentration camp. You want to why? Let me talk about a little bit story of this book.

Viktor E. Frankl is in the concentration camp because of Hitler. In the concentration camp, all people are super depressed and lose their hopes and waiting to die. The author says that ” All people have no meaning and thinking only about the end of their life”.

In that hard period, authors find meaning and life both. They all try to complete their book in prison. This book really digs deep into what are the real meaning of life?. They try to answer the question, in a very beautiful manner. The language of this book is a little bit difficult but one’s you are going to understand the concept you are going to love this. This book also shares timeless lessons like the book The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari shares.


This is one of my favorite books and I love the concept of this book. The book Think Like A Monk by Jay Shetty is also written by a monk and shares some great lessons from the life of a monk. This is a great book that talks about heart concepts like purpose, negativity, and fear.

This book is going to answer some of the greatest questions like

  1. How to find your purpose?
  2. How to overcome negativity?
  3. How to stop overthinking?
  4. Why compassion kills love?
  5. How to use your fear?
  6. Why kindness is crucial to success?
  7. Why you are not your thoughts?

If you are interested in anyone these questions. I recommend you to read this book Or if you have still a little bit of doubt you can read a summary of this book and then digs deep into its concept. I make a blog post on it. I recommend you read the summary first before purchasing the book.

Let me talk about a little bit concept of this book here. So that it is easy for you to decide on investing your money and time in this book. PART 1, LET GO, In this part, we are going to talk about 4 things

  1. Identity
  2. Negativity
  3. Fear
  4. Intention

In this chapter, we talk about going. Fear and negativity are current and we all are suffering from them. This is a book that has a lot of practicality. If you want to deal of this topic. You should read this book. In the second part, we talk about bigger things.

  1. Purpose
  2. Routine
  3. The mind
  4. Ego

These are the current topics. People want to find purpose and this is great. We have to find happiness in our daily routine and daily routine is a part of life. The ego also becomes a part of life and how we use ego to our benefit. In the third part, we talk about Giving, and how to live a life of services.

  1. Gratitude
  2. Relationships
  3. Services

Humans life is all about services. But how to live a life of service in this modern life. We talk about gratitude all the time but what it really means. This book is super important. This book really trains your mind for peace and purpose every day.


I know what are you thinking. Why I add a money book in this blog post. You know the monk who sold his Ferrari is famous because of his concept and the concept of this book is also true. The author of this book is Ken Honda and he is Japan’s bestselling Zen millionaire.

Money is a greater and bigger concept. A lot of money books like Rich Dad Poor Dad, The Psychology Of Money, and a lot more. These books explain the concept of Money IQ but This book talks about money EQ and that is more important than Money IQ.

This book has some amazing concepts. Let me share something from this book and after that maybe you can decide you are going to read it or not.



We all need shelter, clothes, and food. When you asked any people why are you working the common answer is “to put food on the table”. Some people earn a good amount of money but they are still struggling with money because of their spending pattern. People spend a huge amount of their salary on entertainment. We pay money to big entertainment companies ( NETFLIX, AMAZON PRIME VIDEO, AND MORE) to waste our time. Please pay attention to your spending pattern.


Money is often seen as something that has the power to control people and make them do things. People are getting confused between terms like power and happiness. Most people think that more money brings more happiness. The author says that ” they meet very ambitious young people and they say something like how to build my business empire or become one of the world wealthiest people. but what people don’t understand is that even though wealth brings some power, money is not a replacement for trust and genuine love.


All kinds of people, rich or poor, feel abused by others at times. We think we can revenge of our insist that is the reason we can’t achieve success. Our intention to become rich is wrong. Even people who can’t afford very expensive things can get wrapped up in using material items to puff themselves up as superior to others.


Some people think that money can buy freedom. This is not the case, money can’t buy freedom. Even if you have all the money in the world, if your mind is not free you lose all advantages of that wealth. You first want to get free from all the negativity around you. First, you want to achieve peace in your inner mind, then you can find peace outside.


I don’t know the love concept but attention is true in all cases. We are human beings we all like people talk about us. We love to gain respect, attention in our society but when you try to gain love through your money, you base all your own worth on how much you have. So when your money fails to create deep and lasting relationships, your self-worth will suffer and all the money you were made won’t be able to improve it.


People want money so they express the love and appreciation they feel in their lives. Be careful about that don’t think if you don’t have a lot of money you can’t express love or gratitude towards people. Money is just neutral energy. Money is a vehicle for our emotions and attitudes. If you are good you do good this with a lot of money. If you are effective people you can become more effective. If you have not read my post on how to be highly effective people you click here to read it.

These reasons are super important. This is just a little bit about this book. This book talks about Difference between the happy money and unhappy money ? and what is the difference between Money EQ and Money IQ?. If you want to change your relationship with money. You should read this book.


Kaizen is a Japanese method for transforming habits. Kaizen is a noun in Japanese and is used to mean improvement. The key to Japan’s competitive success is kaizen. Kaizen technique can use for business as well as personal development.

The Kaizen philosophy assumes that our way of life- be it our working life, our social life, or our home life- deserves to be constantly improved.

-Mr Masaaki Imai

We spend most of our lives just working. We put almost 6–7 hours daily on work. That means 1/3 rd of life is going in work life. It is very important to create happiness in your work life so that you live a happier life.

Kaizen is going to help with this. In the book KAIZEN, the author talks about a lot of work but if you did not read my health with kaizen you should go and read it because this gives you some tips to be healthy. Kaizen teaches you how to take yourself. Let me give you a glimpse of it too.

  • Don’t overdo the caffeine
  • Keep to a sleep routine
  • Stay clear of the junk
  • Move your body
  • Practice mindfulness
  • Breathing exercise

Now, I am going to end this blog here. I hope I add some value to your life. Thank you so much for reading that far. If you have any questions you can see a little Facebook message here you can send a direct message to me. If you are not on Facebook you can DM on Instagram.



Book With Tejus

I am a book lover and digital marketer that help people to grow.